Monday, 15 December 2008

Why Are Women Directors Such A Rare Sight?

  • Women are not seen as strong and able to carry this kind of jobs as their are a number of different physical and emotional stress for them in this type of job. Women are more likely to get pregnant and take more time of work as they'll need time to look after the new born children and to take time to recover from the stresses of pregnancy itself.

  • This industry is seen as more male dominated so therefore makes it harder for women to get jobs in this workforce as they may feel intimidated and not up to the challenge, as men and portrayed to be better in this sort of area.

  • Their are a lack of role models in this industry, so women have no-one to look up to and admire to be like them. As their is a lack in female directors they may feel that they are not as good and valued as the male directors in this industry. It may give women a sense of false consciousness and make them belive that they are not ready for this sort of challenge.

  • Women are seen to be better writers than directors as women are known to be better at the more mental activities where their use and apply their knowledge and skills. Whereas men are portrayed to be more creative and more up for the challenege of directing and creating a whole film.

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