Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Assessment Objectives

A01- Key concepts:
I am quite confident with the objective as we went through it in detail last year, however going to do a more detailed analysis of the clips from my chosen text and for other related texts.

A02: Wider contexts (shep):
I am going to use interenet websites such as Media Guardian and find out in detail the shep of my text. I need to research each point thoroughly and put my analysis up on my blog.

A03.1: Issues, debates and theories
I have chosen a number of different theorists already but i am going to research on the interent new theoriests and theories i can use.

A03.2: compare and account the similarities and differences
To make this objective stronger i am going to compare and analyse atleast two texts a week. I will use other objectives to help support my arguement.

A05: research techniques:
To achieve this assessment i will look at different mediums to help find information on my text. I will use different sources such as the internet, books etc.

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