Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Migrain Analysis Of My Related Text

As my arguement is to find out to whether females in the media are Stereotypicaally represented and whether or not the media has tried to break this stereotype, i have decided to do a migrain analysis of the trailer of the film Legally blonde. In legally blonde the protogonist is seen by her fellow students as the typical stereotype of being a blonde women, but in this film Ella breaks the stereotype and graduates from law school. The analysis of the trailer is going to show to what extent the media reinforces the stereotype of being blonde and a women.

M: - The open scene shows Elle and Warner on a date, the first impression of Elle is stereotypical bimbo, as she is shown with no respect to others as she screams loudly when warner breaks up with her.
- The next scene shows elle sitting, crying on her bed and eating chocolates. This is a typical image of a girl, and she is portrayed as emotional and not independent. Her bedrom is shown to be girly because of the colour, accessories and the picture of her boyfriend in her room.
- 'going to harvard is the only way im going to get the love of my life back' this quote reinforces that girls are more dependent on men and would do anything to get that support in their life.
- 'shes come in Ricky Martins music video...welcome to Harvard'. This reinforces the fact that women in the media are their for the male gaze. They are portrayed as sex symbols and give the audience the idea that they can use their body to get them places.
I: Legally blonde is Metro Goldwyn Mayer production. This institution is an American media company ivolved primarily in the production and distribution of films and television programmes. It was founded April 6th 1924 by Marcus Leow, who is the head of the organisation.
G: The genre of this film is a chick flick- comedy. A chick flick is a movie that is mainly targeted at young females. There are a number of conventions throughout the clip that show that this movie is aimed at girls. For example the protogonist of the film is dressed in pink, and the colour pink relates to young girls. The film is also a comedy as it has scenes of humour.
R: blonde females: The protogonist is stereotypically portrayed by her boyfriend as a 'blonde bimbo'. When he sees her at the law school he shockly says ' Elle are you here to see me' he doesn't even think of the thought that she may study there. This is a stereotypical view on blonde girls that of them being 'dumb' and 'uneducated'

men: they are represented differently in the movie. Men are normally shown to go for the pretty girls but during the trailer, warener is represented and portrayed to be a guy after a girl with 'brains', even though Elle is pretty (this normally wins a guys heart) he dumps her in search for a more educated girlfriend.
A: The main audience for this film is young teenage girls from the age group of 10-18. This can be seen through the typography and the colours used throughout the scenes. Elle is shown to dress really girly in pink clothes and skirts. It is also made clear that this film is aimed at girls through the issues spoken about, such as boyfriends, looks, love etc.
I: The film tries to portray a message that not all blonde girls are bimbo's and that most of them are educated and can be educated and earn a livng. The film breaks the stereotype and shows Elle to be successful.

N: The trailer is a linear montage of shots, as each scene links to the next as it begins to unfold the story. Movie trailers tend to create an eigma, sense of suspense, however this is not the case in the Legally Blonde trailer as most of the film is revealed to the audience. Watching the trailer gives away that this film breaks the sterotype and shows that girls are more independent and not all films and programmes show a stereotypical view of females

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