Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Self Evaluation:

Attainment (2):
I belive that my attainment is good, as i have attended most of my lessons. I have only missed one lesson, which was due to a religious event.

Effort (3):
I think that i can put more effort into class discussions, as i don't feel very confident to get involved. I feel that I put enough effort in class work, but could improve the standard and effort of my hokework.

Punctuality (1):
I have always been on time for all my lessons and have never been late.

Submission and quality of work (3):
All my work has been submitted to my teacher, i feel that the quality of the work can be of a better standard as the work that is given to the teacher does not show my passion towards this subject and doesn't show my clear knowledge and understanding.

Ability to work independently (2):
I feel that i have the ability to work independently and can complete the hand in task, but i sometimes tend to ask for help or guidance and prefer to work better as a group.

Quality of work (3):
As previously mentioned, i believe that the quality of my work can be of a much bettter standard and quality as all work that is submitted to the teacher doesn't clearly show my knowledge as somethimes the work can be too short and lack important details.

Organisation of media folder (1):
My media folder is kept completley organised as all work is dated and put in order of the time it was handed out. All sheets have been placed in plastic wallets, to assure that no sheets are lost or fallen out. Each teacher has been given their own section so that work from the two different classes are not mixed up.

Oral contribution in class (3)).
I tend to lack confidence, which means my contribution in class is kept to a minimum. I participate in class discussions only when i'm asked to do so by a teacher or if a question is thrown at me.

Standard of module 5 blog (3):
Even though my blog has quite alot of information posted on it, I feel that it lacks quality as some of the work done on the blog is either quite short or doesn't make sense. I have posted up all work set, but i feel that i still need to do more work and post it all on my blog.

Santard of module 6 blog (2):
I feel more confident with this blog as all work is up to date and off a good standard. All my work is posted on my blog and it is done before the deadline.

- I have attend all my lessons time
- I have a great knowledge and understanding of all discussions in class
- I have made detailed notes in lesson

- I participated more in class discussions
- The standard/quality of my work is improved
- Do more research for my blog


Harmzzz said...
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.ღ.sunaina.ღ. said...

-(1): The course is organised in a good way as everything is thought in cronological order and each previous topic links to the next.

-(1): The contents covered is very interesting as everything is relevant and makes clear sense to me.

-(3): The handouts are useful, but i feel that sometimes they can have to much information on them. I think that the work on the handouts should be cut down and bullet pointed so it makes it more easier for us to understand.

-(2): The lessons are paced well as we don't move on to the next topic without having everyone fully understanding what is going on in th lesson.

-(1): The class teacher has a good understanding of the topics and different modules. He/she can fully explain any question asked.

-(2): The course is as what I expected it to be, we do detailed analysis of trailers and study theories and theorists in detail. We link and touch upon the affects of media on society.

-(1): I think that these events have been very successful as they bring the whole media department together. It also allows each student to see the ability and skills that the other students have.

-(2): The media blog has been very successful and has helped me with my own blog. It has given me links to help me with my study and has allowed me to look at past students blogs that may also help me with my study.

- each topic is covered in detail
- All teachers show a great knowledge and understanding of the area they're talking about
- The course shows the affects of media on society, which gives me a wider sense of knowledge

- we did more group tasks
- Writing on handouts are kept to a minimum
- handouts are kept to a minimum